Didacticism - A New Word - Teach and Instruct.

I have been researching content for the class on Intuition and Photography. David Ligare posted on his Facebook page an interesting comment about the current trend in art.. “I have come to believe that didacticism is the new avant-garde”….

Curious by nature, I just had to explore the word a little more. The definition is…

Didacticism is a philosophy that emphasises instructional and informative qualities in literature, art, and design. In art, design, architecture, and landscape, didacticism is a conceptual approach that is driven by the urgent need to explain….

When you're didactic, you're trying to teach something. Just about everything teachers do is didactic: the same is true of coaches and mentors.

… teaches or instructs…..I find myself in the didactic camp….I love to teach and instruct…..further more…

David Ligare also made this statement about his recent painting at the Monterey Museum of Art….”My arches represent the idea of whole systems and are usually accompanied by three words that constitute a whole idea. ..”

Developing knowledge of your creative system involves using your intuition as well as craft….I invite you to consider taking the course on Intuition and Photography.

If you are interested in more information, please respond to this blog post or email me barbara@batistamoon.com. This course will be introduced in late fall and meet every 2 weeks for 4 classes. Thank you for your interest.