I have 2 CLASSES IN THE WINTER QUATER AT PG ADULT SCHOOL. BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY IS AN IN PERSON, MASK REQUIRED CLASS IN THE MAC LAB ON CAMPUS AT 1025 LIGHTHOUSE IN PACIFIC GROVE. All precautions to create a safe environment have been taken. Check in required of each person entering and leaving campus. We have a mask mandate and each classroom is sanitized after each class. Mask mandate is in place and we have social distanced the computers to make sure everyone has a safe place to learn. If it becomes necessary, we will move to a Zoom format to complete the course. We will be adjusting to requirements as they occur.
Photography Walking Tour is outdoors in fresh air and masks will be required in certain situations. See details below for each class.
Register online at https://pgadulted.pgusd.org or call a human at 831-646-6580 M-F 8-4 or walk in at 1025 Lighthouse, Pacific Grove CA.
Photography Walking Tour
Bring your camera or smartphone and join me at different locations for photography and a healthy stroll in nature. Learn various camera and composition techniques while we get in our steps. We will meet at 8 weeks
Jan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 26, Mar 5, scenic locations throughout the area. Saturday 2-4:30 PM Outdoors, Mask required in certain situations.
Fee $100
Register online at https://pgadulted.pgusd.org or call a human at 831-646-6580 M-F 8-4.